Image depicting an agent's success

How Real Estate Agents & Brokerages Can Outsmart Zillow

In the age of the internet, there is no shortage of competition…
social media followers

Building A Social Media Following With Your IDX Website

The benefits of your IDX website should be exploited through…
Maximizing Your Potential webinar graphic

Maximizing Your Potential – Real Estate Coaching Webinar

Named as one of the top 25 real estate coaches in the country…
Illinois street sign

IDX Product Store For MRED Members

iHomefinder is the exclusive technology provider for IDX…
Website with IDX widgets

Guide To iHomefinder IDX Widgets

The IDX website pages provided with iHomefinder accounts include…
real estate lead profile

New Feature! Lead Rating For Your Real Estate Leads

We're excited to announce a new feature in Agent CRM plans that…
Agents using CRMs

10 Reasons To Love Agent CRM

If you're an agent, there are many reasons to have your own real…
calendar of tasks

Master Your Time Management With Calendar Integration

Since effective time management is the secret to boosting your…