Entries by Admin

Property Search Optimized In Canada

Postal code is a popular property search option but it can be frustrating when it’s too detailed, returning too few results. For example, the last 3 characters in Canadian postal codes could differentiate buildings one block away from each other in major metropolitan areas. Until now, the last 3 characters have been required in our […]

Refer A Web Developer And Get A Reward

By partnering with iHomefinder through our Partner Program, web designers and developers have a reliable and efficient way to scale their business building websites for real estate agents and brokers. All the technology and support they need is built-in to the program, along with scaling revenue opportunities through our wholesale partner pricing structure. If you […]

Foreclosure Basics For Home Buyers

You’ve probably seen or heard of foreclosure listings when searching for a new home and wondered if it’s a smart choice for you. While they can often offer significantly discounted prices, there are some important considerations and risks to be aware of. What Is A Foreclosure? When a property owner is unable to pay their […]